The daughter of St. Louis Police Chief Joe Mokwa and an untold number of police officers got free use of cars from a company with a lucrative police contract to tow and store cars, the department admitted on Friday. The officers and Aimie Mokwa for years have been able to take previously impounded cars from St. Louis Metropolitan Towing, 1325 North 10th Street, and drive them for weeks or months at a time with no strings attached.
St. Louis PD Admits Officers Drove Impounded Cars
The daughter of St. Louis Police Chief Joe Mokwa and an untold number of police officers got free use of cars from a company with a lucrative police contract to tow and store cars, the department admitted on Friday. The officers and Aimie Mokwa for years have been able to take previously impounded cars from St. Louis Metropolitan Towing, 1325 North 10th Street, and drive them for weeks or months at a time with no strings attached.