Gov. Paterson Signs Law Forcing NYPD to Erase "Stop and Frisk" Database

Gov. Paterson Friday signed into law the controversial stop and frisk legislation that forces the NYPD to delete the names of people questioned - but not arrested - from its electronic database.

Gov. Paterson Friday signed into law the controversial stop and frisk legislation that forces the NYPD to delete the names of people questioned - but not arrested - from its electronic database.

More than 2.5 million such encounters have been logged into the database since 2004, with police calling it a vital tool in fighting crime.

But critics have long contended it's an assault on a generation of minorities.

"Not every police procedure contributes to the lowering of crime," Paterson said. "This procedure is a prime example of that."

The NYPD lobbied furiously for Paterson to veto the bill.

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