Video: R.I. Cop Gets Probation In Kicking Incident

A former Lincoln (R.I.) Police Department officer received a suspended sentence with 10 years probation for kicking a disorderly woman in the head outside a casino in 2009.

M News R I Cop Kicks Woman

VIDEO: R.I. Cop Testifies In Kicking Trial

A former Lincoln (R.I.) Police officer received a suspended sentence with 10 years probation for kicking a disorderly woman in the head outside a casino in 2009.

Former Officer Edward Krawetz was convicted of felony battery in January. He must also undergo counseling. Watch Krawetz' trial testimony here.

Krawetz was captured on surveillance video kicking the head of Donna Levesque of Uxbridge, Mass., as she sat on a curb waiting for a patrol car to transport her on a disorderly conduct charge on May 31, 2009.

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