FBI: Crime Rates Fell In 2011

Violent crime and property crime reported by law enforcement fell again in 2011, according to preliminary data released released by the FBI. When compared to 2010, violent crime fell 4%, and property crime dropped 0.8%.

Violent crime and property crime reported by law enforcement fell again in 2011, according to preliminary data released released by the FBI.

When compared to 2010, violent crime fell 4%, and property crime dropped 0.8%. Arson fell 5%. The data was released in the FBI's "Preliminary Annual Uniform Crime Report, January-December 2011."

Other highlights from the report include:

  • In the violent crime category, murder fell 1.9%, while forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault all fell 4%.
  • There was, however, an increase in murder in the Midwest (0.6%) and an 18.3% jump in murder in cities with populations of less than 10,000.
  • In the property crimes category, motor vehicle theft saw the largest decline (3.3%) from 2010 figures, followed by larceny-theft (0.9%).
  • The only overall rise in property crimes was in the burglary category, which was up 0.03% overall, with increases of 3.2% in the Northeast, 1.3% in the Midwest, and 0.7% in the West.

The final data will be published in the fall in "Crime in the United States 2011."

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