Riley Louis Swearingen (Photo: Mankato PD)
An intoxicated man home on leave from the Air Force thought it would be a good idea to give a Minnesota police officer a double "Wet Willie." It was not.
Riley Louis Swearingen, 24, pleaded guilty to disruptive intoxication Monday, KARE reports. Swearingen spent several days in jail before taking a plea deal to avoid felony charges for the early Saturday morning incident.
Minneapolis City Pages explains:
According to the criminal complaint, Mankato Department of Public Safety Police Sergeant Adam Gray was talking with a driver of a "drunk bus" in the city's entertainment district when he "felt two fingertips that were obvious to him as wet with saliva being pushed into his right and left ear canals, which caused pressure and discomfort in his ear canals."
The officer turned and saw a man later identified as Swearingen tell his friends, "I just gave the cop a wet Willie."
Initial charges against Swearingen included assaulting a police officer with bodily fluids, according to the Manakato Free-Press. The punishment for that felony is no doubt quite worse than a school detention, Huffington Post reports.