Video: FL Sheriff Appeals to Citizens in Crisis to Seek Help Following Deputy's Suicide

Marion County (FL) Sheriff Billy Woods posted a Facebook video this week expressing his sadness at the suicide of a deputy and urging the county's citizens to seek help when they are in crisis.

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VIDEO: FL Sheriff Appeals to Citizens in Crisis to Seek Help Following Deputy's Suicide

Marion County (FL) Sheriff Billy Woods posted a Facebook video this week expressing his sadness at the suicide of a deputy and urging the county's citizens to seek help when they are in crisis.

"Those of you that have lost a loved one to suicide know the pain and sadness it brings to those who knew that person. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends today. I ask that you would also keep my deputies that worked alongside him in your thoughts and prayers in the coming days and weeks as they cope with this tragic event," Woods said.

The video memorializes Deputy Adam Rendall who reportedly took his own life earlier this week. Woods said joined the agency in 2004 and had worked on patrol in various areas of the county.

Woods closed the video saying, "I appreciate your thoughts and prayers for Adam’s family, friends and fellow deputies. He will be missed."

The video includes the phone numbers of The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is (800-273-TALK) and COPLINE: The National Law Enforcement Officer Hotline (800-267-5463).

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