2 Seattle Officers Sue Socialist Councilmember for Comments Over Fatal OIS

Two Seattle police officers Scott Miller and Michael Spaulding are suing city councilmember Kshama Sawant as an individual for damaging their reputations with comments about a fatal officer-involved shooting.

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Two Seattle police officers Scott Miller and Michael Spaulding are suing socialist city councilmember Kshama Sawant as an individual for damaging their reputations with comments about a fatal officer-involved shooting.

The lawsuit, filed by Williams, Kastney and Gibbs, claims Sawant, acting beyond her scope as a city councilmember, personally defamed the two officers who were involved in the shooting death of Che Taylor after he allegedly pulled a gun on them. A gun was found at the scene and a witness corroborates the report from Miller and Spaulding. A King County inquest jury found that Taylor, indeed, posed a threat of death or serious injury to these two officers.

According to the filing, “…having never spoken to the officers, their attorney, the department, and with the investigation still incomplete, Kshama Sawant was publicly pronouncing these officers ‘murderers’ and referring to the shooting as a product of ‘racial profiling.’ As a consequence of her rhetoric, the lawsuit alleges the officers were “publicly berated and chastised” and Miller had to move, MyNorthwest.com reports.

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