Zach Briseno had always planned to serve his community as a police officer after his time in the military was done.
On Dec. 11, the double amputee realized his dream when he was a member of Class 148 of graduating officers in Fort Worth.
Briseno, 35, who was born and raised in Fort Worth, enlisted in the Marine Corps right after high school.
Briseno served two tours in Iraq. It was on the second, in November 2007, when he lost both legs in an IED explosion, WFAA reports.
Briseno worked incredibly hard to make his dream of being a Fort Worth police officer a reality.
“You can do anything you want to do, you just really have to put the work in for it,” he said. “It will cost you some blood, sweat and tears, but if you want it bad enough, you can do it.”