First Aid for First Responders

When you're the first on the scene, you often have to take on roles that might not otherwise fall under your standard job description, such as paramedic. If you have the right tools on hand, you can help not only those you protect and serve, but also yourself and other officers who need medical attention.

Melanie Basich 2012 Headshot

When you're the first on the scene, you often have to take on roles that might not otherwise fall under your standard job description, such as paramedic. If you have the right tools on hand, you can help not only those you protect and serve, but also yourself and other officers who need medical attention.

You can't always count on SWAT medics or EMTs to provide assistance, and sometimes there just isn't enough time to wait for them to arrive. With the abundance of small kits and easy-to-use products available to treat injuries, it's easier than ever to carry what you need in your pocket, so you won't need to dash to your trunk to retrieve life-saving supplies. Just like the Boy Scout motto says, always be prepared.

Blueline Tactical ResQ-Pak

Blueline Tactical ResQ-PAKs are pocket-size trauma self-treatment kits for the law enforcement, tactical, and military community. The vacuum-sealed lightweight paks are available in three levels, each containing a specific combination of first-aid supplies recommended for a different level of threat. ResQ-PAK includes the latest QuikClot hemostatic technologies, and the SWAT-T low-cost, easy-to-use tourniquet/compression bandage. It is lightweight and low profile, so it fits in a BDU pocket, a SWAT vest, a drop bag for mags, a gun belt, or gas mask pouch; it even fits inside a suit jacket without showing.

Visit Blueline Tactical Online


Combat Medical Systems Mojo Medical Kit

You probably have some type of medical kit. But would you be able to recognize the items inside and know how to use them effectively in an emergency? The Mojo Range Ops Bag from Combat Medical Systems is an easy-to-use medical kit for the non-medic.

The trauma items are clearly displayed and labeled with brief instructions of a few words for immediate access and use. Contents include gloves, CPR mask, tourniquet, and QuikClot Combat Gauze. The bag also contains non-trauma items such as adhesive bandages, tape, sunscreen wipes, and insect repellent. The Mojo Range Ops Bag comes in high-visibility orange with reflective stripes and a red flasher so it's always easy to find.

Visit Combat Medical Systems Online


H&H Associates Tourni-Kwik 4 Tourniquet

H&H Associates' TK-4 (Tourni-Kwik 4) is an emergency combat tourniquet designed to stop arterial bleeding and amputations using just one hand. This means even an injured person could use it on his or her own arm.

TK-4 features a strong elastic latex band with two steel S-hooks fastened to it, making it easy to use yet durable enough for even the most traumatic injuries. It's more lightweight and less expensive than other tourniquets. TK-4L (Tourni-Kwik 4L) improves on the design of the TK-4 with a stronger design for use on wider parts of the body, including leg and arm injuries.

Visit H&H Associates Online


Medafor TraumaDex

TraumaDex is an easy-to-use blood-clotting agent that provides rapid hemostasis at wound sites, even in the presence of profuse bleeding. TraumaDex has been shown to be effective as a topical dressing for the local management of severely bleeding wounds.

TraumaDEX is appropriate for use on cuts, lacerations, abrasions, and puncture wounds. It is intended for the temporary treatment of severe bleeding, enhancing the bleeding control capabilities of the first responder while in the field or in transit to a hospital or trauma facility.

Visit Medafor Online


Tactical & Survival Specialties Inc. Personal Trauma Pack-Basic

The Personal Trauma Pack-Basic from Tactical and Survival Specialties Inc. (TSSI) contains key components for stemming a life-threatening bleeding wound: CoFlex Universal Medic Absorbent Foam Dressing (UMAFD) Trauma Bandage System, the ActCel Trauma Pad, and a pair of Nitrile gloves, all packed in a heavy-duty zip-closure bag.

The officer can first pack the wound with the hemostatic ActCel Trauma Pad, follow it up with the extra foam absorbent pad in the UMAFD, and wrap the whole wound with the UMAFD, forming an effective pressure dressing. These components are simple, highly effective, and intuitive in use.

Visit TSSI Online


Tactical Medical Packs TAC-PACK

Tactical Medical Packs' original TAC-PACK includes latex-free gloves, roll bandage, gauze, abdominal pad for extensive bleeding, N-95 respirator mask to temporarily aid breathing amid smoke or dust, triangular bandage, tape, occlusive dressing to act as a second skin on deep wounds, and a CPR microshield for sanitary mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. And unlike the extensive medical kit you might keep in your car trunk, you can take this kit with you wherever you go.

Different versions of the pack provide more specialized equipment. The Individual Battle PACK also contains QuikClot, a tourniquet, chest seal, and other advanced medical products intended for battlefield conditions.

Visit Tactical Medical Packs Online


TEMS Solutions SWAT-Tourniquet

The "SWAT" in SWAT-Tourniquet is an acronym for stretch, wrap, and tuck. The SWAT-T is a latex-free, easy-to-apply, reusable tourniquet designed for use by military and law enforcement personnel. Individuals can effectively apply it in seconds with little to no prior training.

The SWAT-T allows application higher into the groin and axilla than other tourniquets. It's also lightweight-one-third the weight of other comparable products-and inexpensive. The company says it has a shelf life of three years.

Visit TEMS Solutions Online


Z-Medica QuikClot 1st Response

Now available in an easy to use gauze format, QuikClot products for hemostatis will stop bleeding in a wide range of situations. QuikClot 1st Response is made especially for first responders. It carries the same proven technology that was developed for the military. It is packaged for convenient and quick use to help save lives directly at the scene of any trauma or accident.

QuikClot 1st Response is designed with ease of use in mind. Simply open the package and pack the self contained sponge into the wound. The sponges conform to the shape of the wound and are easily removable in the hospital setting. QuikClot 1st Response is available in 25-gram, 50-gram, and 100-gram sizes.

Visit Z-Medica Online

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Melanie Basich 2012 Headshot
Managing Editor
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