AMTEC Less-Lethal Systems (ALS) is on track to open a tactical training center this summer in Perry, Fla., to offer less-lethal training to law enforcement, corrections, and military personnel.
The company, which announced the proposal in August, unveiled new details and SHOT Show in January and is now actively pursuing an endorsement from the National Tactical Officers Association for the facility. The facility will also include company headquarters and manufacturing operations. It's expected to open in June and begin offering training in July.
The training center will provide less-lethal and tactical training and will include live-fire ranges, force-on-force training, a hostage rescue building, a corrections pod, a breaching facade, and full classroom facilities, the company announced.
A variety of courses will be offered including active shooter, hostage rescue, crowd management techniques, armorers, less-lethal instructor, cell extraction, basic SWAT, clan labs/WMD, tactical operations, breaching, operators tactical firearms, high-risk transport, Simunition, select-fire rifle, and sniper.