Mark ClarkFrom Mark ClarkPatrolUnderstanding Graham v. ConnorFindings from Graham v. Connor will certainly be considered in the deadly use-of-force decision in Ferguson, Mo. Which is why every American law enforcement officer should have a sound understanding of the Graham case and what it means.October 27, 2014PatrolThe Reality of Police Retirement: Live Lean or Keep WorkingAre you doing your retirement planning in the briefing room or through the patrol car window? It may be better to seek a financial professional who knows your police retirement system and can guide you though the intricacies of retirement.September 22, 2014CareersWe Don't Need to Relax Recruit Fitness Standards, We need to Prepare Candidates BetterFitness standards should not be lowered to accommodate anyone, male or female. The job is the job, and the physical requirements are the same for men and women officers.August 25, 2014TrainingTraining Tip: Defending Against the GrabIn this the sixth part of our series on defensive tactics, John Crouch, a coach at the Lab MMA Training Center in Glendale, Ariz., shows how to defend against the bear hug and other grabs.August 24, 2014PatrolCombined Response to Active ShootersThe final element of an active threat incident is the response. This encompasses the police response to end the attack, Fire/EMS response to aid and evacuate the victims, and even law enforcement containment response to seal off the scene and preserve evidence.August 21, 2014PatrolThe Numbers Don't Lie, But They May Be Misleading.Nobody should have ignored the disparaging percentages of men and women who pass the fitness testing to become a Pennsylvania State Police officer, but the problem may not be in the testing.August 14, 2014PatrolPolice Product Test: Pelican Progear Vault Series iPad CaseThe Pelican ProGear Vault Series cases for iPad Air and iPad Mini may be the right combination of ruggedized protection and functionality that we've been looking for.July 24, 2014PatrolWhat Went Wrong in Jersey City?How did there become such a huge rift between the Jersey City police and the people that are sworn to protect? This didn’t start with the murder of Melvin Santiago. It is something that grows like a cancer over the years.July 17, 2014TechnologyProduct Test: Vievu LE3 On-Body Video SystemVievu's LE3 is the company's latest small, lightweight, self-contained video recorder system. About the size and weight of a pager, this on-body video system can easily be worn on an officer's uniform.June 29, 2014PatrolTaking The Power SeatThe tragic killings of two Las Vegas officers having lunch at a pizza place on Sunday morning brought me chills. It was reality check time for me. I realized that any officer is vulnerable to attack, at any time, at any place, doing any part of his or her job. Even on a "break," we know there are no breaks, no down time when we're on duty, in uniform.June 8, 2014Page 1 of 4Next Page