The newest Deep Conceal Ultra Carry Concealed Carry holster is the Ultra Max holster. Like all Deep Conceal holsters, it allows you to carry a firearm comfortably under one arm. Because it's at chest level, you can access your firearm standing or sitting. The new Ultra Max holster is designed for larger firearms and will hold all but the largest 1911 frame pistols and revolvers. Its cotton material is very comfortable in hot weather and can be worn next to the skin. Fitting chest sizes from 31 to 51 inches, most everyone can use the holster.
Ultra Carry Concealed Carry Holsters
The newest Deep Conceal Ultra Carry Concealed Carry holster is the Ultra Max holster. Like all Deep Conceal holsters, it allows you to carry a firearm comfortably under one arm. Because it's at chest level, you can access your firearm standing or sitting.
July 30, 2010
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