"We believe that by helping to bring awareness and resources to this growing problem that it can, and will, make a difference," says World Am Chairman & CEO Robert A. Hovee. "We believe it is the responsibility of community-minded business leaders across the country to do their part, and be good business neighbors by making a similar commitment."
World Am has two operating subsidiaries, Senz-It and Isotec. Senz-It represents an advancement in the field of micro-sensors that have applications in homeland security. Its potential products are intended to compete in the developing field of real-time detection and notification devices, and are intended to be designed to identify patterns of molecules present in liquid, blood, and air environments.
Senz-It's sister subsidiary is Isotec, which develops, integrates, and supplies passage control security products broadly categorized as access control, weapons control, or materials control systems that rigorously control entry or exit of people and materials into and/or out of a facility, while reducing the need for security personnel.
Additional information on the company is available at http://www.world-am.com/.