Florida Agency Buys 150 Three-Shot TASERs

TASER International has announced that it has received an order for 150 TASER X3 Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) and related accessories from the Lakeland (Fla.) Police Department. The TASER X3 is the latest, most sophisticated ECD model from TASER with a three-shot semi-automatic capability.

TASER International has announced that it has received an order for 150 TASER X3 Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) and related accessories from the Lakeland (Fla.) Police Department. The TASER X3 is the latest, most sophisticated ECD model from TASER with a three-shot semi-automatic capability.

"The TASER X3 improves effectiveness and safety while also providing the ability to store and retrieve more information and diagnostic analysis on the use and performance of the device than any previous ECD," says Tom Smith, chairman and founder of TASER International. "The semi-automatic, multiple-shot capability increases officer safety through the ability to recover from a missed shot or even simultaneously stop up to three separate subjects."

The TASER X3 enhances use of force accountability with the TASER X3's Trilogy Log, which stores the electric characteristics of every pulse emitted from the X3 and can determine if the charge was delivered to a subject, arced into the air as a warning, if probes missed the target, or even if the wires broke or some other factor interrupted charge delivery to the subject.

The Lakeland Police Department order is anticipated to ship in the first quarter of 2010.


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