Wyoming Man Douses Himself In Paint to Avoid TASER

When Cheyenne (Wyo.) Police officers Joshua Thorton and James Womak arrived at the home of Brian Mattert earlier this month on a domestic disturbance call, they found the man covered in white latex paint.

When Cheyenne (Wyo.) Police officers Joshua Thorton and James Womak arrived at the home of Brian Mattert earlier this month on a domestic disturbance call, they found the man covered in white latex paint, reports Wyoming News.com.

Mattert then told the officers, who had their TASERs drawn, "You see all this water-based paint? You shoot me with that and you'll kill me."

After the officers explained that the paint would not cause his death, Mattert became uncooperative and crawled into the fetal position on his backyard lawn. The officers then Tasered him twice, and brought him into custody.

Read the full story at WyomingNews.com.

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