Ky. Department Shifts To Dodge Chargers

The Hazard (Ky.) Police Department is replacing its Ford Crown Victoria fleet with Dodge Chargers, beginning with the purchase of five vehicles. Sgt. Paul Campbell told the newspaper that the department chose the Charger because of its fuel economy and speed.

The Hazard (Ky.) Police Department is replacing its Ford Crown Victoria fleet with Dodge Chargers, beginning with the purchase of five vehicles, according to the Hazard Herald.

Sgt. Paul Campbell told the newspaper that the department chose the Charger because of its fuel economy and speed.

At least two other Kentucky law enforcement agencies have announced their Ford CVPI replacement. The Kentucky State Police and Henderson Police Department will replace their Crown Vic fleets with the Chevrolet Caprice PPV.


The New Recruits: In-Service Cop Cars

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