Camden County Police Vote Postponed

Camden (N.J.) Police officers opted to put off a vote on terms offered for jobs on a new Camden County-run force, according to two officers who attended a closed-door union meeting Thursday evening.

Camden (N.J.) Police officers opted to put off a vote on terms offered for jobs on a new Camden County-run force, according to two officers who attended a closed-door union meeting Thursday evening.

The county has characterized the terms - which would be the foundation for a less generous contract - as its "final offer" to the Fraternal Order of Police, the rank-and-file union, as officials move toward eliminating the city department and replacing it with a larger county force.

One officer said that the members wanted more clarity on the county's terms and that a secret ballot might now be held Monday or Tuesday.

Officers have been generally dismayed that the county has not made an ironclad offer to hire all of them onto the new force.

Read the full Philadelphia Inquirer story.


Camden Begins Dissolving Force for County Police

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