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Tag: Verbal Communication: Page 4
Off-Duty Considerations
The other day a young officer inquired about off-duty actions and equipment. His question focused on how to act, so here's my advice.
October 29, 2009
Women in Law Enforcement
Do You Need to Prove Yourself Physically?
Sgt. Diana Drummey looks for other ways to resolve confrontations than getting physical, but will go there, if need be.
September 25, 2009
Women in Law Enforcement
Gift of Gab
When you're a police officer, you don't need to have the best gift of gab. Just avoid making the stupidest comment on the street.
July 15, 2009
Verbal Commands
Verbal commands very often set the tone for the ultimate outcome of police encounters, including SWAT operations.
November 25, 2008
What Skills Do I Really Need to Win a Violent Confrontation?
What does it take to really survive a violent confrontation? For all the tactical training and mental preparations, just how much does luck enter into the equation? And what can you do to shift the odds in your favor? These are weighty questions for even the most experienced of cops.
October 31, 2007
Watch Your Words
As a "profession," law enforcement is growing a body of knowledge, especially as it relates to high-risk activities, such as use of force, driving, and arrest practices. That body of knowledge relies upon certain terminology to illustrate concepts and ideas in an easily understood context. When we choose terminology to illustrate ideas, the temptation is always there to "make it sound good." That's usually OK, but sometimes the effort to make it sound good can create probl
June 6, 2007
Get a Handle on Car-Cuffing Techniques
As you are interviewing the operator you notice a handgun on the floor of the passenger side of the car. Of course, any backup is light years away.
January 31, 2000
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