NIJ Changes Solicitation Deadlines

WASHINGTON, D.C. --- Currently, NIJ has numerous open solicitations. All open solicitations that had a deadline falling before January 1, 2002 have now been extended 60 days due to the recent tragic events.

The NIJ Website has been updated with these new deadlines, but the PDF version of the solicitation along with the hardcopy available through NCJRS have not been changed. All solicitations hardcopies at NCJRS have been placed on hold until NIJ can laserprint new dates for the cover page.

Those interested can still download solicitation information and applications from the NIJ Website; however, they should be aware of the deadline extension.

Current NIJ Open Solicitations

(Solicitation title, extended deadline, URL): Solicitation for a Research Partner for the East Valley, CA COMPASS Initiative

January 4, 2002

No Suspect Casework DNA Backlog Reduction Program

November 28, 2001

Solicitation for Research and Evaluation in Corrections

January 16, 2001

Solicitation for Research into the Investigation and Prosecution of Homicide: Examining the Federal Death Penalty System

December 19, 2001

Solicitation for Research on Sexual Violence

January 4, 2002

Crime Mapping Research: Funding for Spatial Data Analysis

November 19, 2001

Data Resources Program: Funding for the Analysis of Existing Data

January 25, 2001

W.E.B. DuBois Fellowship Program: NIJ Residential Research Opportunity

February 1, 2002

Crime Mapping Research Center Fellowship Program

No deadline; Open for 2001

Graduate Research Fellowship Program: Tomorrow's Research Community

November 15, 2001 and January 15, 2002

Visiting Fellowship Program: NIJ Residency Research Opportunities

No deadline; Open for 2001

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