Most officers who go to Israel for security training are sent by large agencies through official exchange programs, but now a new law enforcement training conference is inviting any American officer to Israel to learn new techniques and tactics for countering terror attacks and street crime.
The inaugural Safe City Conference, Safe City Tel Aviv 2009 (Nov. 30 through Dec. 6), incorporates meetings with Israeli officials, behind-the-scenes tours of Israel's security apparatus, and even visits to sites of religious and cultural significance, including Jerusalem, Masada, Hebron, and the Dead Sea. Safe City 2009 is being held within the framework of the Israel Gateway international trade conference and exhibition.
Conference organizer and former Israel Police officer Marc Kahlberg says American and Israeli security personnel have much to learn from each other. "There is a need for an international summit where experts and practitioners can come together to share their experience and expertise."
Anti-terrorism tactics are one of the primary focuses of the conference. "Israel has over the last several years managed to thwart more than 95 percent of attempted terror attacks," Kahlberg says. "That begs the question: Can this methodology be implemented in other nations in the fight against both terrorism and daily violent crime?"
Kahlberg, who is consulting with the security team that's making preparations for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, is convinced that the answer to that question is: "Yes." And he has reason to believe so. His safe zone program, the "Kahlberg Plan," is credited with reducing crime by 70 percent in the Netanya Business and Tourist districts.
To find out more about the Safe City Conference, including pricing for accommodations and travel, visit