Gates: Crowley Is a "Likeable Guy" When Not Arresting You

The three men embroiled in a national debate about racial profiling met for a beer in the White House library on Thursday, and agreed to meet again in Cambridge.

The three men embroiled in a national debate about racial profiling met for a beer in the White House library on Thursday, and agreed to meet again in Cambridge.

President Obama hosted black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge Police Sergeant James Crowley, a week after Crowley arrested Gates in his Cambridge home for disorderly conduct.

The New York Times quoted Crowley as saying the two men "agreed to disagree" on the arrest, and Gates saying, "We hit it off right from the very beginning," Professor Gates said. Laughing, he added, "When he's not arresting you, Sergeant Crowley is a really likable guy."

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