TLC has debuted "The Police Women of Maricopa County," its second police reality show to follow the daily duties of female officers. In August, the network debuted a series following four female deputies from the Broward County (Fla.) Sheriff's Office.
The Maricopa County (Ariz.) Sheriff's Office deputies have a higher-profile boss—Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Maricopa County is comprised of Phoenix and the surrounding 9,200 square miles and is one of the largest and toughest counties in the country.
This season, the show follows detectives Deborah Moyer and Lindsey Smith, as well as patrol deputies Kelly Bocardo and Amie Duong.
Read the TLC press release for more info on each of the deputies. The show began Feb. 25 and airs on Thursday nights. View our "Maricopa County Police Women" photo gallery.