The A&E network has announced it will begin airing episodes of "Steven Seagal: Lawman," a police reality show that follows the martial arts actor's work as a fully commissioned deputy with the Jefferson Parish (La.) Sheriff's Office.
The show, which debuts Dec. 2, will follow Seagal and his fellow officers as they respond to crimes in progress. It will also follow him off-duty as he pursues musical ventures and philanthropic efforts in the New Orleans area.
Seagal is best known for martial-arts movies such as "Exit Wounds," "Under Siege," and "Above the Law." He is a seventh-degree black belt in Aikido.
For almost 20 years, Seagal has been working as a sheriff's deputy. Seagal is an expert marksman, according to the network, who has worked with the agency's SWAT team and has instructed Jefferson Parish officers in firearms and hand-to-hand combat.
View the show's trailer and clip "How I Became A Cop."