Costumed Entertainers Return to Hollywood, After Court Win

The "super heroes" and other costumed characters who had become a familiar sight along Hollywood Boulevard before the LAPD swept them away in June won a federal court ruling that will allow Darth Vader, The Hulk, and Spider-Man to return.

The "super heroes" and other costumed characters who had become a familiar sight along Hollywood Boulevard before the LAPD swept them away in June won a federal court ruling in the past week that allows Darth Vader, The Hulk, and Spider Man to return.

The LAPD had swept the characters off the boulevard in June, when they began aggressively panhandling and fighting over turf, reports L.A. Weekly.

The characters, who congregate around Grauman's Chinese Theatre, had begun "demanding tips for photographs with tourists - sometimes using vulgar gestures and language if they didn't get a few bucks," reports the L.A. Daily News.

Community activist Howard Ferguson, who says he's been visiting the boulevard since 1975, has stepped forward to offer to police the costumed entertainers.

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