Grand Jury Considering Ferguson Shooting Is Being Investigated for Misconduct

The St. Louis County prosecutor's office is investigating an accusation of misconduct on the grand jury that is hearing the case against the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown.

The St. Louis County prosecutor's office is investigating an accusation of misconduct on the grand jury that is hearing the case against the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, reports the Washington Post.

Ed Magee, the spokesman for county prosecutor Robert McCulloch, said they received the information from a "Twitter user" Wednesday morning.

An account of possible jury misconduct surfaced Wednesday morning on Twitter, when several users sent messages about one juror who may have discussed evidence in the case with a friend.

In one of those messages, a person tweeted that she is friends with a member of the jury who doesn’t believe there is enough evidence to warrant an arrest of the officer, Darren Wilson.

The same person who tweeted about being friends with a member of the jury has also tweeted messages of support for Wilson.

Magee confirmed that information on the Twitter user and feed came from an activist, Shaun King.

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