The New York Post is reporting that officers of the NYPD are being told by their commanders that they will not be granted vacation or sick days until summons activity increases. The action is reportedly a counter strike by the brass against an alleged slowdown in police activity following widespread anti-police protests and the perceived support of the protests by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Throughout the city, precincts are being ordered to hand up to borough commanders “activity sheets” indicating the number of arrests and summonses per shift, sources told The Post.
“Police officers around the city are now threatened with transfers, no vacation time and sick time unless they write summonses,” one union source said.
In at least one precinct, the brass backlash — which comes in the wake of Police Commissioner Bill Bratton ordering officers back on the job after The Post reported a 90 percent drop in ticket writing — is downright draconian.
“Everyone here is under orders — no time off” during the summons catch-up blitz, said one officer at the 105th Precinct in Queens.