Officer Killed in Paris Terror Attack Sparks #JeSuisAhmed Hashtag

After news broke that Ahmed Merabet was reportedly a Muslim, supporters took to social media using the hashtag #JeSuisAhmed, or "I am Ahmed," to show their support for the officer.

A Paris police officer killed in Wednesday’s attack on the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo has drawn special attention on social media, after he was reported by local media to be a Muslim police officer, reports ABC News.

Ahmed Merabet was one of 12 killed in the attack on the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo by the gunmen, French authorities said. Another officer protecting the magazine's editor was also killed.

Merabet served in a police station in the eleventh arrondissment of Paris and was also a Muslim, according to the newspaper Le Figaro and other local reports.

After news broke that Merabet was reportedly a Muslim, supporters took to social media using the hashtag #JeSuisAhmed, or "I am Ahmed," to show their support for the officer.


Video: 3 French Terror Suspects Killed, Including 1 in Female Officer's Death

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