Video: Idaho Deputy Stops Motorist, Prays for Cancer Victim Instead of Giving Ticket

Deputy Matthew Brakeman pulled over a woman in Hayden who was speeding a couple weeks ago, but instead of giving her a ticket he offered up something else. Brakeman said the woman was going about 10 miles over the speed limit.

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VIDEO: Idaho Deputy Stops Motorist, Prays for Cancer Victim Instead of Giving Ticket

A Kootenai County (ID) Sheriff’s deputy is being praised for a small act of kindness.

Deputy Matthew Brakeman pulled over a woman in Hayden who was speeding a couple weeks ago, but instead of giving her a ticket he offered up something else. Brakeman said the woman was going about 10 miles over the speed limit.

"Driver was not happy to be stopped. So I spoke to her for a moment," said Brakeman.

When he started talking to the driver he could tell something was different. In the passenger's seat was the driver's mother.

"I asked where they were headed. And she said to the oncologist. She then started to become a little bit emotional," Brakeman told KREM TV.

He learned the driver's mother had been battling cancer. They were on their way to another painful trip to the doctor's office. Brakeman went back to his patrol car.

"And then walked back up to the passenger side and asked her mother if she would accept a prayer. And she said, 'Absolutely.' So then we prayed and told them to have a good day and went back to my car," Brakeman explained.

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