Video: Florida Officer's Story of a Hug from a Stranger Going Viral

A Sarasota, FL, police officer had a positive encounter with a stranger that brought him to tears this week. His post about it is now going viral.

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VIDEO: Florida Officer's Story of a Hug from a Stranger Going Viral

A Sarasota, FL, police officer had a positive encounter with a stranger that brought him to tears this week. His post about it is now going viral, reports WFLA.

On Tuesday, Officer Scott Patrick was walking into the Sarasota Police Department carrying paperwork, when suddenly the driver of a blue SUV stopped in the middle of traffic and honked his horn.

Patrick said he was initially concerned. Patrick said officers typically see people at their worst, and are always prepared if people are hostile.

In a Facebook post Patrick described what happened: "I turned and walked towards his vehicle. As I approached the vehicle, the driver opened the door and stepped out. He was very tall, well tall compared to me because I am only 5'8. He immediately said, 'Thank you officer, may I give you a hug?' He walked toward me with both arms opened. This is not something I have heard very often in my 13 1/2 years as a police officer. Catching me off guard I hesitated for a moment and then said yes. I walked up and he gave me a huge hug!"

Patrick said he began crying and the man then said, "Get home safe to your family and thank you again for what you do."

"I was all choked up when it happened and so I went back into that door and it took me a second to compose myself," Patrick said. "We don't have a lot of support so that caught me off guard and took me totally by surprise and was such a great thing to hear."

Patrick continued. "There's a lot of hatred and divide right now instead of caring for each other. We're all human beings," he said. "Show kindness and love. It'll go a long way, it'll make this place a lot better."

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