TX Chief: If Your Business Doesn’t Want Police as Customers, Let Us Know

"Oh, one last thing……Even though this one business accepts employees that refuse to serve and then curse cops, I guarantee you when they call 9-1-1 and need us, we’ll come running. That’s what cops do.”

Denison, TX, police chief Jay Burch wrote the following on Facebook after two of his officers were reportedly refused service and verbally abused at a local Whataburger restaurant. The company fired the employee who was allegedly involved in the incident.

“The Denison Police Department enjoys great support from most of our community and our businesses. I get it, especially with the anti-police rhetoric from the national media and police-hate groups we see in the country, that many people buy into that rhetoric and dislike police. Most of those that I have come across in my career that hate cops are very familiar with us because many have a lengthy history of arrests or have friends or family members with such a history. I get all this and we get used to it for the most part.

But when two of my officers were refused service by an employee of a local restaurant on October 14 just after midnight, then cursed by that employee and the on-duty manager’s only response is, “I don’t get into politics”, that concerns me. If a business does not want police officers as customers, just let us know. There’s no need to curse us and make a scene, just let us know you don’t want us there and we’ll go somewhere else.

Now going somewhere else in Denison in the middle of the night is not easy because our officers don’t have many options. What really gets my goat with such an incident is that while most of us are sleeping – sleeping! – the officers are out there working hard to keep us safe and when trying to take a break to eat – they face this type of reception from an employee of a local business and management calls it “politics”? The employee also said she would continue to refuse to serve officers. Now we know and rest assured officers will no longer patronize this business. Many of the officers also fear food-tampering with an attitude like this from such an employee.

As we most always try to do when there is a conflict, a police supervisor went to the restaurant and asked to speak to the employee in an effort to understand why she felt the way she did toward police. The employee alleged “cops beat up my boyfriend and are racists”. When questioned further, the employee said her boyfriend was “beat up” when arrested by DPD a few weeks ago. The police supervisor went to the station and found the documentation of the arrest, then reviewed the video or audio of the arrest from the arresting officer’s dash cam. It was a “routine” arrest. There was no physical altercation and no one injured. So the employee was simply lying about her boyfriend getting “beat up” by police. 

I’ve seen similar service refusal stories like this around the state and country but never thought we’d see it locally. Yet, while disappointing that this one business takes or supports such an anti-police stance, we relish in the fact the majority of the Denison businesses and citizens we serve greatly support us and what we do to try to keep our community safe.

Oh, one last thing……Even though this one business accepts employees that refuse to serve and then curse cops, I guarantee you when they call 9-1-1 and need us, we’ll come running. That’s what cops do.”

Since Chief Burch posted this commentary, the CEO of Whataburger has apologized. Whataburger executives also traveled to Denison to meet with officers over the incident.

Chief Burch has asked police supporters to not stage a boycott of the Corpus Christi-based chain.

“Many persons responding to the incident called to boycott Whataburger. If Whataburger Corporation ignored the incident, then such an action may be called for but they have quickly and graciously responded. A dialog of communication has been established by their corporate office with our department and nothing but good can come from that,” he wrote on Facebook.

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