Teen Stole Uncle's Police Uniform, Gun, and Patrol Car to Impress Girl

A Florida teen who wanted to impress his girlfriend stole his uncle's deputy uniform, gun, and patrol car, picked up a friend, pulled over a speeder, and called in another police agency over a convenience store disturbance, authorities said.

Isael Ibrain Lima (Photo: Marion County Sheriff's Office)Isael Ibrain Lima (Photo: Marion County Sheriff's Office)

A Florida teen who wanted to impress his girlfriend stole his uncle's deputy uniform, gun, and patrol car, picked up a friend, pulled over a speeder, and called in another police agency over a convenience store disturbance, authorities said.

Isael Ibrain Lima, 18, broke into his uncle's locked bedroom while he was away for a few days and went on to impersonate him, a Marion County (FL) Sheriff's Office news release said. Lima later admitted he did it to impress his girlfriend, reports the Associated Press.

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