Virginia Officer Surprised to Discover Life-Size Replica of Tiger on Patrol

An officer with the Prince William County (VA) Police Department was on regular proactive patrol when he came upon a fairly shocking sight—a tiger prowling the night behind a local retail store.

An officer with the Prince William County (VA) Police Department was on regular proactive patrol when he came upon a fairly shocking sight—a tiger prowling the night behind a local retail store. The officer quickly deemed the animal to be inanimate—it was merely a plastic replica of the big cat—but the officer quickly snapped a picture and posted it to Facebook.An officer with the Prince William County (VA) Police Department was on regular proactive patrol when he came upon a fairly shocking sight—a tiger prowling the night behind a local retail store. The officer quickly deemed the animal to be inanimate—it was merely a plastic replica of the big cat—but the officer quickly snapped a picture and posted it to Facebook. Image courtesy of Prince William County (VA) Police Department / Facebook. 

An officer with the Prince William County (VA) Police Department was on regular proactive patrol when he came upon a fairly shocking sight—a tiger prowling the night behind a local retail store.

The officer quickly deemed the animal to be inanimate—it was merely a plastic replica of the big cat—but the officer quickly snapped a picture and posted it to Facebook.

The officer said in the caption, "Note to business owners, when disposing of realistic, life-size animal statues, please do so with caution. While on proactive patrol in a county shopping center, one of our officers experienced a moment of...uh...shock before realizing this little guy was harmless."

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