TX Man to Serve 40 Years for Dragging Officer

He then attempted to drive away in his vehicle. An officer attempted to stop the subject by reaching into the driver's side of the car but was dragged for a distance and his leg was run over.

A Texas man has been sentenced to serve 40 years for dragging a police officer with his car and injuring an additional officer and a police dog while trying to avoid arrest.

Gabriel Cobarubbias, 31, was found guilty of two counts of aggravated assault against a public servant, injury to a service animal and evading arrest FOX4 reported. He was sentenced to 40 years for the assault charges and 15 years for evading arrest. The sentences will be served concurrently.

In June 2020, police responded to a convenience store after receiving a report that a man was brandishing firearms and threatening shoppers. Cobarrubias eventually exited the store and pulled out two handguns and fired them in the air while yelling, "What are you going to do?" police say.

He then attempted to drive away in his vehicle. An officer attempted to stop the subject by reaching into the driver's side of the car but was dragged for a distance and his leg was run over.

After the suspect fled, a search ensued—involving multiple officers, a police helicopter, and K-9 units—and Cobarrubias was eventually apprehended and arrested while hiding in a drainage pipe. When he was apprehended, Cobarubbias kicked a police dog, causing head wounds to the K-9.

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