Since its founding TREXPO has been one of the premier law enforcement conferences. This year's TREXPO West was no exception.
For the first time, conference attendees were offered the chance to earn POST credit for attending a wide variety of hands-on and classroom lecture TREXPO conference sessions.
Also, for the first time, TREXPO conference attendees could sign up for Extended Specialized Training Courses. These sometimes daylong training programs included a Glock Armorer's Course, a QuikClot Hemostatic Agent course, Krav Maga Defensive Tactics for Law Enforcement, a Torfino Enterprises Metal-Tec Training Course, Next Generation Command & Control System Training sponsored by Ordia Solutions and featuring the MTCS software, Know Before You Go sponsored by Recon Robotics, and Interactive Robotic Educational Programs sponsored by Robotronics.
Once again, TREXPO West played host to the Tactical Medicine Conference. This year's Tactical Medicine Conference program included courses on POST standards for tactical medics, combat physiology and performance enhancement, what happens medically when someone is shot, and how to use tourniquets and hemostatic agents in the modern tactical environment.
The standard two-day TREXPO conference also had a lot of new and exciting programs and returning old favorites. Highlights included: "Civil Disturbance in the Face of Illegal Immigration Riots," "Harassment and Workplace Discrimination," "Night Vision Technology: Applications and Technique," and "Active Shooter Response."