Greg MeyerMore from Greg MeyerTechnologyDigital Video: Working Under the MicroscopeWhen the public sees a news video that apparently shows an officer committing excessive force, the incessant media-driven quest for "Justice! Now!" puts false hope in the minds of many that there will be quick and easy answers for complex events.June 18, 2015Patrol"Unarmed" Suspects and Un-brained MediaHow can it be, in 2014, with all the media attention given to controversial police use-of-force cases in recent years, that the public is still treated to bogus "reporting" of such incidents? The coverage of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo., is the worst in memory.October 31, 2014Patrol"Unarmed" Suspects and Un-brained MediaFew if any pseudo-journalists or pseudo-pundits on the nightly news have bothered to mention Graham v. Connor, which for a full quarter century has been the law of the land regarding how to evaluate a police use of force.September 2, 2014PatrolLessons from the Onion Field"How could this have happened?" The answer is found when you realize that in the past half century you have had the benefit of improved tactical training that came at the cost of the blood and minds of officers like Ian Campbell and Karl Hettinger.March 24, 2013PatrolHow the Rodney King Riot Changed the LAPDSunday marks the 20th anniversary of the Los Angeles riot that followed the acquittal of four Los Angeles Police Department officers who were prosecuted by the state for using excessive force on Rodney King. There was extensive looting and burning, and 53 people lost their lives.April 26, 2012PatrolOccupy: Clearing the CampsIn many cases the "Occupy" protestors illegally parlay their First Amendment rights of speech and peaceful assembly into literally taking over public areas for weeks and months, erecting tent cities.January 22, 2012PatrolCrowd Control Policy and the 'Occupy' MovementGuess who the elected officials (or campus officials) send in to take down the tent cities and "evict" the protestors. (Do you have a mirror handy?)December 5, 2011PatrolLessons Learned from the Rodney King ArrestFormer LAPD Capt. Greg Meyer writes about three factors, including the loss of the carotid control hold, overly aggressive baton training, and the ineffective 7-watt TASERs in use at the time.March 3, 2011TrainingBART Verdict: Consider a Weak-Hand TASER DrawIt is essential that trainers put officers through their paces with training that is dynamic, stress-inducing, and requires officers to make force-options decisions that truly test the officer's ability to be ready for stressful encounters on the street.July 9, 2010Patrol30th Anniversary: Tactical HindsightEver long for "the good old days?" I know that some of you do. But before you decide to switch places with yesterday's cop, it's important for you to know that you have much better tools and tactics than we did 30 years ago.September 30, 2006Previous PagePage 2 of 3Next Page