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Section: Training
Rear Waistband Disarming with Police Krav Maga
In a close-up encounter with a suspect who is drawing a concealed weapon, you are unlikely to outdraw him, but you can outfight him.
July 30, 2020
Training K-9 Bomb Hunters Gallery
North Carolina-based company K2 Solutions has trademarked its Person-Borne Explosives Detection Dogs. The term means the dog can detect explosives being carried on the body of a moving person. Click through to see these K-9s at work. To find out more about K2 Solutions' Person-Borne Explosive Detection Dogs, read "Training the BombHunters."
November 29, 2018
K-9 First Aid Basics Gallery
At a minimum, veterinarians recommend that K-9 handlers carry a first-aid kit, learn how to give injections, and know how to administer oxygen. A brief session with your veterinarian or even a vet tech should be sufficient to learn how to correctly give injections. Here are some photos to illustrate proper first-aid techniques. For more information about first aid that handlers should know, read the POLICE Magazine article K-9 First-Aid Kit Basics.
April 30, 2018
PoliiceMag - ContentImage-April2017
March 28, 2017
Shooting Range Systems and Equipment 2015
This equipment will help you improve your firearms skills, both on and off the range.
November 9, 2015
IWB Concealed Carry Holster Draw
Drawing from an IWB can be entirely different than drawing from your duty holster. Points of consideration include: placement of the weapon on the body, retention systems of the holster, and the layers of clothing that might be covering the firearm. With these variables in mind, let's look at how to draw from an IWB, regardless of where it is located on your belt line. For more, read Drawing from Non-Duty Holsters.
June 10, 2014
Polo Shirts 2014
For training and details that don't call for a traditional uniform, polo shirts provide functional details and a professional look.
June 3, 2014
Handling Passive Resisters
In an age of Occupiers, officers must gain control of passive resisters who refuse to leave a location, yet won't actively fight. Gain compliance with these five strategies that will help you gain wrist and arm control, place a subject in the arresting position, and use a control hold. For the full story, read "Passive Resister Response."Â Photos courtesy of Michael Schlosser.
August 27, 2013
Counterfeit Police Products
A retired officer started The Counterfeit Report website to alert consumers about fake products and help law enforcement investigators spot these goods during investigations. View several examples of fake police products, and then read the full story here. Photos courtesy of Craig Crosby.
July 25, 2013
Handcuffing Suspects: 3 Techniques
Too many officers try to handcuff a suspect while he or she is still fighting. Before you can handcuff a suspect, you must obtain control. Here are three techniques for when you're on your own (rear leg sweep), with a partner (rear takedown), or with a group of three or more officers (the swarm). Read our feature, "Closing the Gap," for the full story. Photos by Amaury Murgado.
July 10, 2013
Commercial Enforcement Violations
The two officers of the Torrance (Calif.) PD's Commercial Enforcement Unit mostly cite mid-size truckers for an array of violations including a truck with a 20-foot palm tree clipping electrical lines. View a gallery of some of the more unusual violations. Read the full story here. Photos courtesy of TPD.
June 21, 2013
Camden County Police On Patrol
New officers with the Camden County (N.J.) Police Department's Metro Division took over patrol duties from the now-disbanded Camden Police Department on Wednesday. Officials promised more boots on the ground to deal with the crime-plagued city. Read more here. Photos courtesy of Nicholas Henderson/Camden County.
May 2, 2013
Blue Ink: Reader Police Tattoos
We asked you to show us your "blue ink," and many of you responded with images of your law enforcement tattoos that carry a personal significance regarding a fallen partner, inspirational Biblical reference, or special accomplishment. Photos courtesy of readers.
November 21, 2012
Blue Ink: Police Tattoos
Tattoos have become very popular in the law enforcement and military communities. Officers who get inked often choose a tattoo of something that has great meaning to them, such as family, their faith, or a close friend. View a few examples of tattoos. Photos courtesy of Steve Winterstein of Five-O Tattoo in Elburn, Ill.
November 7, 2012
Choke Escapes: 2 Techniques
If you find yourself against an MMA aficionado, you'll want to know how to get out of a choke hold. View detailed photos showing escape techniques to defend against the rear naked choke and the guillotine choke. Read our full article, "Choke Escapes."Â Photos by Jimmy Lee.
March 15, 2012
Small Edged Weapons
Many of the criminals now being released have learned to use small edged weapons in prison. Some of these inmates are very skilled at using these blades to slice and kill. Job one for a police officer is to not get cut and to stop the attack. After viewing these photos, read our full article, "Defending Against Small Edged Weapons."
February 7, 2012
Odd Objects
You can develop a great deal of strength in the weight room, but traditional barbell lifts won't help you to perform a real-life tasks on the job like sandbag lifts and rope pulls will. I recommend adding odd object lifting to your exercise regimen to increase functional strength and add variety to your program. Read our feature, "Odd Object Training," for the full story.
January 4, 2012
Duty Lights: 2011
Every cop needs at least one reliable flashlight for duty, and most own a few for various situations. Here are 11 models from leading gear suppliers if you're in the market for a light.
December 22, 2011
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