The new tire protection system now available on Pierce’s homeland security apparatus includes a tire monitoring system and a tire wheel protection band. The tire monitoring system senses tire pressure and temperature to maintain proper vehicle handling, stability, and overall performance. A unit in the cab displays tire information so the system warns you of a potential tire problem before it happens. The new tire blowout protection band from Tyron Automotive Group is designed to assist in safe handling when experiencing a blowout. It locks the tire on the rim, forming a cushion of rubber so the vehicle can stay in control and drive to safety.
Pierce Tire Monitoring System
The new tire protection system now available on Pierce’s homeland security apparatus includes a tire monitoring system and a tire wheel protection band. The tire monitoring system senses tire pressure and temperature to maintain proper vehicle handling, stability, and overall performance. A unit in the cab displays tire information so the system warns you of a potential tire problem before it happens.
September 30, 2005
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