Officer Jorge Pastore of Austin SWAT was killed Saturday during a hostage incident.Austin PD
Nearly 100 people gathered outside of Austin City Hall on a cloudy Sunday evening — some holding tea light candles and others with signs that read messages such as "We appreciate Austin police" — to listen as local leaders spoke at a vigil for the fallen Austin SWAT officer Jorge Pastore, who was killed in the line of duty on Saturday.
Pastore was one of four people who died as the result of a hostage standoff at a home in South Austin on Saturday. Austin police were called to the scene just before 3 a.m. with a call from a woman saying that she had been stabbed. When Austin police officers arrived and went inside, they were shot at by the suspect, which is when SWAT was called, reports.
About an hour later, SWAT officers breached the home and exchanged gunfire with the suspect, resulting in two officers being shot. Pastore died from his injuries "despite the tremendous efforts of our officers, EMS attack medics, Austin Fire Department and local hospital staff," interim Austin Police Chief Robin Henderson said. Another SWAT officer was also wounded and is reportedly in stable condition.
Police found two people dead in the home. The suspect was also found dead, although it's unclear how the gunman died. The woman who called 911 was taken to the hospital with stab wounds.