Teel Technologies Launches Website for Mobile Device Forensic Examiners

Norwalk, Conn.-based Teel Technologies is launching MobileForensicsCentral.com (MFC), a free Website created to assist law enforcement officers in digital forensics examine the cell phones and PDAs they are confronted with as evidence.

Norwalk, Conn.-based Teel Technologies is launching MobileForensicsCentral.com (MFC), a free Website created to assist law enforcement officers in digital forensics examine the cell phones and PDAs they are confronted with as evidence.

Featuring a powerful search capability that enables users to query device models for compatible forensic software and tools, MobileForensicsCentral.com is designed to simplify and expedite the examination process.

Additionally, the site acts as a portal of information, offering an aggregation of current industry news, education resources, and software update announcements.

“MobileForensicsCentral.com aims to assist both the experienced digital examiner engaged in mobile device analysis, as well as the newcomer,” says Bill Teel of Teel Technologies. “For those with a number of tools in their lab currently, MFC enables analysts to quickly identify which tools will examine the phone before them, as well as provide the details of what data the tools can acquire.”

For first responders requiring information immediately, MFC saves valuable time, as a quick search on the MFC site will direct examiners to the solutions they can use, as opposed to searching each tool’s directory for support.

For newcomers to the field, the Website’s information and education resources, in addition to the search features, make approaching the field, and where to go to learn more, easier.

“Considering how quickly mobile devices are evolving, and the constant stream of new model introductions, updates are issued all the time from the mobile forensic solution providers, in an effort to stay current. For the digital examiner, trying to keep up is practically impossible. Our job is to stay on top of the industry’s evolution, and present the data to the examiner in an easy-to-use web interface.” Teel says.

For more information visit TeelTech.com or MobileForensicsCentral.com.

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