VIDEO: Chase, Standoff Ends with Fatal Shooting Outside Dallas Mall
A chase in South Dallas led to a standoff that ended with Dallas police fatally shooting an armed man outside of the Southwest Center Mall Monday afternoon.
Dallas police shot the man after he exited his vehicle and began waving around a gun before pointing it at officers in the mall parking lot, police told NBC DFW.
About an hour before, at about 1:20 p.m., officers on foot patrol reported smelling marijuana coming from a red, 4-door Ford sedan parked outside the Dallas Inn on the 3300 block of Marvin D. Love Freeway. The officers approached and, upon doing a background check, learned the occupants may be armed and dangerous with active felony warrants.
Officers called for backup and, when it arrived, the driver, later identified as 30-year-old Michael Mayo, suddenly backed up and drove off. Officers gave chase as the suspect led them through an area of South Dallas into the Southwest Center Mall parking lot before stopping on the northeast side of the mall.
Negotiations with the man failed. At about 2:15 p.m., Mayo got out of the car, waved the gun around and pointed it at police, officials said. Dallas police said three SWAT officers fired on Mayo, who was then seen slumping over for a moment before falling to the pavement.
In 2013, Mayo was convicted of theft over $20,000 — court records show he stole more than 120 catalytic converters from Mid-Cities Auto in Grand Prairie. The car parts were discovered in Irving where police said Mayo and accomplices were painting them black. Court records show Mayo had violated parole in February 2014 and was listed as a wanted "violent offender."