Suspect Found Dead After Shooting on Las Vegas Campus, At Least 3 People Shot

ABC News was reporting at presstime that 3 people were killed in the attack, not counting the suspect.

At least three people were shot in an active attack on the campus of the University of Nevada Las Vegas, according Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Sheriff Kevin McMahill is reporting.

"No more threat to the community. The suspect is deceased. Right now, we know there are 3 victims, but unknown extent of the injuries. That number could change. We will update you when we know more," Sheriff McMahill said.

ABC News was reporting at presstime that 3 people were killed in the attack, not counting the suspect.

The attack began around noon according to a social media post from the campus. The post read: "University Police responding to confirmed active shooter in BEH (Frank and Estella Beam Hall)," officials stated. "This is not a test. RUN-HIDE-FIGHT."

At 12:31 a post was sent reading: "The suspect is contained," according to Las Vegas Metro police. Members of the public were asked to continue to avoid the area and watch for responding emergency units.”

One minute later police reported the suspect had been found dead.

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