Radical Church to Picket Va. Tech Officer's Funeral

Six members of the WBC will be picketing, according to Fred Phelps Jr., son of WBC pastor Fred Phelps Sr. "The law enforcement across this nation has for years refused to do their duty and protect the people," Phelps Jr. said. "There is a price to be paid when you do that to God."

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan. announced plans to picket at the funeral of Virginia Tech Police Officer Deriek W. Crouse on Monday.

Officer Crouse's funeral will begin at 2 p.m. at Cassell Coliseum, and WBC members plan to protest for 45 minutes before the funeral service, starting at 1:15 p.m.

Six members of the WBC will be picketing, according to Fred Phelps Jr., son of WBC pastor Fred Phelps Sr. "The law enforcement across this nation has for years refused to do their duty and protect the people," Phelps Jr. said. "There is a price to be paid when you do that to God."

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