Parents of Slain Border Agent Call DOJ Report a 'Cover Up'

The parents of a U.S. Border Patrol agent killed with a gun sold in the government's botched "Fast and Furious" gunrunning investigation believe a Justice Department Inspector General’s report into the case was mostly an effort to keep Attorney General Eric Holder from being blamed.

The parents of a U.S. Border Patrol agent killed with a gun sold in the government's botched "Fast and Furious" gunrunning investigation believe a Justice Department Inspector General’s report into the case was mostly an effort to keep Attorney General Eric Holder from being blamed.

Agent Brian Terry's father, Kent Terry, also said the former head of the ATF and a senior prosecutor who left the Justice Department after the report’s release were getting off easy.

"We want whoever's responsible for this penalized, not slapped on the hand and given another pay raise," step-mother Carolyn Terry said. "I want someone to go to jail for what they've done.

Read the full Associated Press report.


Report: ATF, Feds Mishandled 'Fast and Furious' Operation

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