
TX Chief Asks "Why Wasn't He in Jail" After Officers Shot by Man with Active Warrants

“Why wasn’t he in jail? Why weren’t his bonds increased? People want to know?” the chief tweeted.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus says suspect Jesse Garcia should have never been out of jail. Garcia is charged with shooting two of McManus' officers Thursday afternoon.

“We have an individual, who’s out on two bonds, there are three active warrants out for him, the dangerous dangerous man the officers were following this individual from 60 yards back and he opened up on him with an AR and shot one of our officers in the eye," says McManus.

Out of frustration for what happened to his officers, and the danger repeat violent criminals pose to our community, he tweeted this statement:

“Why wasn’t he in jail? Why weren’t his bonds increased? People want to know?”

Both officers remain hospitalized in stable condition. Chief McManus says one officer was shot in the eye and the other was shot 6 times, Fox reports.

According to court records, Garcia is being held on $1 million bond for each of the aggravated assaults against the police officers, the Associated Press reports.

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