Michael SchlosserFrom Michael SchlosserTrainingUnlocking the Confusion Around ChokeholdsChokeholds are some of the most controversial and effective techniques that officers can use to end attacks.March 5, 2019TrainingResponding to Domestic DisturbancesA domestic disturbance call can involve anything from a verbal dispute to a homicide. So we all need reminders of the danger of domestic disputes and ensure officers are taking all precautions.October 4, 2018TrainingUnknown and Known Risk Vehicle StopsNo vehicle stop should be considered low-risk, as it is never possible to gauge beforehand the level of danger involved.July 13, 2018TrainingEscaping from Standing Choke HoldsThe following are some basic escapes from various chokeholds. Keep in mind these escapes can include strikes on the assailant with personal weapons both before and during the escape.May 12, 2017TrainingUsing Force Scenarios for TrainingThe vast majority of arrests are accomplished without any force being applied by police officers. But it helps to look at as many of the details as possible.February 8, 2017WeaponsGetting the GunAt some point in a law enforcement career, you may be faced by an assailant who is pointing a handgun at you. There are several disarming techniques. I will describe three.January 4, 2017TrainingDon't Forget about Your BatonMost officers have never used their batons as a striking tool, and most officers have either rarely or never used their baton as a leverage tool or control device.October 10, 2016WeaponsInstinct and Knife Attack DefenseIt is ridiculous to think that an officer could take a single defensive tactics course that teaches specific techniques for knife defense and then be prepared for a knife attack.September 4, 2015TrainingPassive Resister ResponseIf someone is a true passive resister, you simply need to do for the arrestee what he or will not do himself. If he stands, but refuses to put his hands behind his back, you and your partner do this for him, place him in handcuffs, and escort him to the squad car.August 27, 2013TrainingArresting Active ResistersYou have to make split-second decisions when it comes to use of force while effecting an arrest. Training in strategy and tactics, control and verbal techniques, and proper use of force are essential for you to make proper decisions.June 25, 2013Page 1 of 1