George RyanFrom George RyanTrainingBenefits of FloatingA few benefits of floating include: reduced stress, improved sleeping patterns, and a balanced well-being.September 4, 2018TrainingMaking Meditation Not SuckIf you start slow and adapt your meditation practice to the first responder lifestyle you'll be able to reap the benefits.May 3, 2018TrainingJust Get It DoneScheduling high-intensity workouts is much easier when you have an actionable plan.January 4, 2018PatrolGet Comfortable Being UncomfortableThe philosophy of high-intensity physical training meshes well with officers' schedules and performance needs, and it is a gateway to peak performance and resilience.September 5, 2017PatrolEat Real FoodWhat you eat not only fuels your physical activity, it also keeps your mind sharp and focused.June 16, 2017PatrolDrink More WaterFortunately, there are many things officers can do to get themselves in a better position to perform at a high level during their shifts. One is to hydrate properly.March 13, 2017TrainingBox BreathingBox Breathing has been around for many years and has been utilized by professional athletes, fighters, elite military personnel, and law enforcement officers.January 4, 2017TrainingOfficer Fitness: Just Take a Deep BreathIn time, and with practice, you can apply your breathing practice as a response to stress and to help with emotional regulation even when responding to high-priority radio calls and after critical incidents.December 5, 2016TrainingSleep: A Legal PED for Law EnforcementHow much sleep are you getting? When you are in law enforcement, the answer is most likely "not enough." But the best performance-enhancing drug is getting enough sleep per night as consistently as possible.November 7, 2016PatrolOfficer Fitness: Peak Performance and Recovery TrainingThere are science-based methods that have been developed to help manage the physical and mental stresses placed on high-level athletes and these methodologies can be adapted to help manage the physical and mental stresses that are placed upon you by this profession.September 1, 2016Page 1 of 1