Bob GalvinFrom Bob GalvinTechnologyPlanning for DisasterEmergency response software has been created to help first responders use resources and tactics to handle a wide range of critical incidents. Although software itself is hardly a silver bullet that will crush a terrorist event, its capabilities are nevertheless reassuring.August 19, 2013TechnologyElectronic Evidence ManagementManaging evidence is one of law enforcement's most critical tasks. Automating evidence management enables property room personnel to know where their evidence is and why.February 21, 2013PatrolKeeping Track of TrainingThe potential liability stemming from use-of-force incidents that may spur inquiries from lawyers is just one compelling reason for streamlined records management. Therefore, it behooves your police department to consider automating the documentation and monitoring of police personnel's records.February 29, 2008Special UnitsA Solid FoundationWhatever the nature of a tactical callout, one thing is sure—you’ll be on your feet and they need to perform. After all, your feet are as much a “tool” as the rest of your equipment. If you have taken as much care with the selection of your boots as you have with the rest of your gear, you should be able to get through any callout in good condition.July 31, 2005Page 1 of 1