TOP COPS Awards Move to New York City

The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) will hold its Ninth Annual TOP COPS Awards in New York City on September 11, 2002.

The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) will hold its Ninth Annual TOP COPS Awards in New York City on September 11, 2002.

This year's TOP COPS Awards will be held at the City Center on West 55th Street, which seats 2,700. John Walsh, host of the television series, "America's Most Wanted," will be Master of Ceremonies. The Awards show will also feature a number of Hollywood stars - namely those who play law enforcement agents in television and film - as hosts and presenters at the affair.

"TOP COPS recognizes the nation's top ten police officers, or groups of officers, for heroics, bravery, outstanding criminal investigation or other meritorious acts during the previous year," explained Thomas J. Scotto, NAPO president. Scotto likens the event to being the "Oscars of law enforcement." Law enforcement officers may nominate peers who have excelled in their duties, and a panel of law enforcement experts selects the winners.

Although annually held in Washington, D.C., where the event draws the attention of local politicians, Scotto says this year it was only appropriate to move the event to New York City after the losses suffered during the attacks last September. This year's Awards presentation will also include a tribute to the members of the New York Police Department and Port Authority of NY/NJ Police Department, whose unions are NAPO members.

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