Crimson Trace Laser Grips

Less-lethal methods have historically concentrated on munitions and gas systems an officer can use to avoid use of deadly force. Keeping your options open means looking for advantages wherever they might live. Thanks in no small part due to the movies, the idea of a bright red laser dot resting on your chest gives us all pause to consider the situation.

With the addition of a set of laser grips, an officer suddenly has added yet another option to his bag of less-lethal tricks he can deploy. While offering a host of advantages in their own right, the Crimson Trace Laser Grips also deliver that bright red dot right where you might need it most.

While not to be relied upon to stop a deadly force encounter, the sudden addition of a laser may just help to prevent a pull of the trigger. Look for a wide-range of new models from Crimson Trace.

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