Addressing Correctional Officer Stress: Programs and Strategies was designed to help correctional administrators develop an effective program to prevent and treat officer stress. Recently released by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the report offers options for staffing a stress program, ideas for gaining officers' trust in the program, and sources of help to implement or improve a stress program. Seven diverse case studies showcase effective approaches that can be adapted to correctional administrators’ needs and resources. Addressing Correctional Officer Stress: Programs and Strategies (NCJ 183474-EFAC), written by Peter Finn and published as part of NJ's Issues & Practices report series, is available from the National Institute of Justice Website at:
Report Addresses Correctional Officer Stress
Stress among correctional officers is widespread. They live with the threat of violence as well as inmate demands and stresses such as extensive overtime, low pay and poor public image. These factors can affect officers' health and family life and cause officers to burn out or retire early.